We are a Christ-centered church focused on the preaching of the Word and the fellowship of the saints for the glory of God!
If you’re new, welcome! We invite you to discover what we believe and what to expect on Sunday morning.
Join Us.
Sundays / 9:30am
The structure of the main weekly service on the Lord’s Day, seeks to be clear and organized for the edification of God’s People. Our liturgy can be summarized in four words: “God, Man, Christ, Response”.
You can also live stream our worship service here.
Sundays / 11:00am
Focused upon teaching God’s Word, this time has a variety of different speakers who lead this time of instruction through a series. Childcare is available for 0-4 years of age. Adults and K-12th grade have different classes available to help them learn about the Bible. We take a break during the summer months of June and July.
Wednesdays / 6:00pm
Each week, we gather in the Fellowship Hall to study God’s word together. We take a break during the summer months of June and July.