Located in the beautiful Texas Hill Country, we invite you to join with us as we seek to know God, draw close to Him and worship Him for who He is.
Sundays / 9:30am
The structure of our main service can be summarized in four words: God, Man, Christ, Response. You can expect God to be heralded from His Word, Man to be humbled by his sin, Christ to be proclaimed as the Savior for sinful man, and a call to respond with trusting in Christ and turning away from sins.
We seek to proclaim the manifold wisdom of God through our worship services. We are a diverse people, adopted into the family of God by the blood of Christ, united in the Gospel. You will see a variety of clothing styles at Trinity Church, reflecting the community of the Texas Hill Country: casual, professional, blue-collar, white-collar. The worship at Trinity Church seeks to strengthen the faith of God’s people and to magnify the Lord and His mighty deeds.
Sunday Worship Service
The music selection is comprised of songs that contain rich, robust theology and is paired with music composed to bolster congregational singing. You can expect to proclaim God’s Truth together with God’s people through these songs found in the main service, supported frequently by piano and guitar.
You can expect to hear many different types of prayers in the main service such as prayers of praise and adoration, confession and petition, and thanksgiving, led by our pastor and men in the congregation.
The preaching and exposition of God’s Word is central to the structure of the main service. Pastor Carnett is generally the one who fills the pulpit for each main service. Trinity Church is committed to the expositional preaching of God’s Word; that is, the verse-by-verse explanation and heralding of God’s Truth through entire books of the Bible.
We observe the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of every month. We ask that each partaking individual be a baptized believer of Jesus Christ, in good standing with a local church, walking in humble repentance from their sin, and rejoicing in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and in the empty tomb.
We want to minister to the needs of parents and children. During the main service, we provide qualified childcare, structured around the teaching of the Gospel and God’s Word. It is our hope that parents would feel secure dropping their children off in childcare, knowing that their child is being fed the Word of God and their physical needs are being met while the parent sits in the main service receiving the Word of God. However, if you would prefer to care for your little ones and need a quiet spot, we have a cry room available. If you prefer to "parent in the pew," we will support you there as well.
Sundays / 11am
Our Sunday School time provides opportunities for all ages to be taught God’s Word. There is a family/adult Sunday school class, age appropriate classes (K-6th) and a middle school/high school class. A nursery is also provided during this time if needed.
Sunday School
Wednesdays / 6pm
We believe that God accomplishes His purposes through the clear and simple teaching and heralding of His Word. Each Wednesday at 6pm, we gather in the Fellowship Hall to enjoy a simple meal together and study God’s Word. Other Bible studies are held seasonally throughout the year during the week including men's group, ladies’ group and others.
Midweek Bible Study
In God’s Word, the church is encouraged to “…do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith,” (Gal. 6:10) and, “contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality,” (Rom. 12:13). On the second Sunday of each month, we enjoy a lunch together following the worship service, in the fellowship found through the transforming work of God in the Gospel. This takes place in the Fellowship Hall and is a great time of refreshment and encouragement for the body. Visitors and guests invited!
Fellowship Meals
Cody Carnett
John Ussery
Mark Hughes